Monday, February 14, 2011

Conan Character Designs WIP

So these are my designs of Conan and Valaria for Drawing ii. There are some issues that are bugging me (but can't go back now that it's inked, lol) like Conan looking like a native american on some angles and Valaria looking too young to be sultry. I'm just sorta glad that it's going a lot faster than expected.

I'm always paranoid when it comes to putting ink on canvas, since there's no UNDO in real life so I always test out colouring schemes on paper before it goes on the real thing. Here are some musculature colouring tests.

Shout outs to Skeletor and Teela for being the most still and patient models on the planet! They were my references for some musculature and colour studies.

I'll have the final done by next week. Stay tuned :)

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