Wednesday, March 23, 2011

MOTU Classics

I first watched He-Man when I was probably 2 or 3, and had watched it religiously (as religious as a kid can get) up until they took it off the air. I remember crisp animation, "out of this world" world, muscles on top of muscles, great music and some of the best looking villains ever created.

Everytime I was with my Mom shopping at Bargain Harold's or Bi-Way, she'd get me a He-Man toy. I eventually accumulated quite a collection. Unfortunately, when we moved out of the house apt., my parents ended up giving them away to a family friend.

21 years later and I'm now collecting the "remakes". started producing Masters of the Universe toys, in the creative vein of the old classics (not the ones based on the 2000 show). They're better articulated, sturdier, heavier and aesthetically more pleasing without losing the core look and feel of the originals. The first three that were in my possession were birthday gifts from my girlfriend.

left to right: Teela, Optikks, Mer-Man

Scareglow, Webstor, Skeletor

Whiplash, Hordak, Faker

I'v been pretty pleased with the collection so far. There are some stand out characters that haven't been made or announced yet though, like Sorceress, Stinkor, Clawful, Two-Bad, and all the Snake-Men. Sometimes, the auctions can get pricey for these guys from eBay, but with enough patience, they're not so bad.

Just recently snagged a decent priced King Hsss off of eBay. Will take pics then.

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